Just so you know, this post is fairly old… as you read it, know that any prices/dates/hours displayed here may no longer be correct. For the most accurate information head over to our home page for hours and then select different offerings from the home page for specific information around those things.
Good evening friends of Yoders’ Farm,
After a couple of months that were very dry, the past couple of weeks have been quite wet. Because of the rain we’ve not been able to open the corn maze and pumpkin patch for the past two weekends, which were supposed to be our opening two weekends.
At any rate, it’s time for a bit of an update from the farm. Here is what I’ll cover in this post.
- The Fall Season is Here!
- Family Farm Day is October 10th
- The Corn Maze
- The Corn Maze App
- Other Fall Stuff (Pumpkins, hayrides, groups)
That’s pretty much all we need to cover… so lets get started!
- The maze area just after sundown.
- The maze from another angle…
- Heading into the maze after dark? Bring a flashlight!
The Fall Season is Here!
Since we were closed the first two weekends that we were intending to be open our opening weekend will include our Family Farm Day. (I’ll give you a few more details below.)
As with last year we plan to be open Friday’s and Saturday’s 10 a.m. till 10 p.m. with the last groups going into the maze at 9. We are closed Sunday through Thursday.
Our last day this fall will be October 31.
- Dawson on the old F12
- The friendly pilgrims..
- Duck race champion…
Family Farm Day
This Saturday, October 10 will be our Family Farm Day. That means that there will be a number of “extra things” for you to experience from 10 a.m. till 2 p.m. or so.
A couple of highlights.
– There is no charge for admission. (We actually never charge admission to the farm.)
– Pony Rides (Thanks to Patrick Henry Family Services)
– Lunch will be available from Rosie’s Cozy Kitchen
– Educational exhibits from Campbell County Extension, Farm Bureau, 4H, Robert E Lee Soil and Water District and possibly the Forestry
That’s a brief overview, all of the details about Family Farm Day can be found right over here on the Family Farm Day page.
Once the special activities are finished we’ll go back to the “regular Fall season activities,” hayrides till dark, and the corn maze and pumpkin picking till 10 p.m.
- The maze from almost overhead…
- Across the Corn Maze to the sunset…
- Dawson looking out over the maze…
The Corn Maze
A couple of things are different about this years corn maze. One of the first things you may notice, if you’ve been here over the past few years, is that it is a bit shorter in spots. This is simply because of the lack of rain while it was trying to grow. It’s sufficiently tall… but it’s not as tall as last year.
As far as the maze design is concerned some elements of the maze are similar to last year and there are a few new ones.
- There is a big wheel in one end
- There are two smaller wheels
- There are dead ends (I know that’s a surprise.)
- There is an “alternative exit” about half way through
Maze ticket prices remain the same this year as they did last year.
- 5 yrs and under are free (with a paying adult)
- 6 yrs and up are $6 each
- Special pricing – $5
— Students with an ID (ID is necessary)
— Seniors (60 yrs and up)
— Group rate – Need to contact us before you come ([email protected])
Again, all the details can be found on our Corn Maze page.
- Getting started is pretty easy…
- Start an attempt – this is the attempt overview page…
- Compete against friends and others…
The Corn Maze App
Last year we introduced the idea of a “game” that you could play while going through the maze. The idea being that you would look for “waypoints.” The person or group with the most waypoints found would win.
This year we are extending that idea a bit with the help of a pretty simple app. When you enter the maze you’ll “Begin a Maze Attempt” and as you find waypoints you can enter them into the app.
When you finish the maze you’ll get an over all score based on the time you were in the maze and the number of waypoints you found. The waypoints are difficult to find so they have a pretty heavy weight in the scoring.
- Pumpkins…
- More pumpkins…
- Mom washing some smallish pumpkins…
Other Fall Stuff
We’ve covered most of the “big things” above, but there are a number of peripheral activities and things that I want to make sure I mention.
- Pumpkins – We’ve got a fairly large selection of pumpkins to choose from. Everything from “standard” pumpkin to specialty pumpkins, to gourds. Details can be found over on the pumpkin page of the website.
- Hayrides – During daylight hours we will have a hayride available every 30 minutes (or if we get a full ride we’ll go sooner). It’s about a 10-12 minute ride. Tickets are $2 each for ages 6 and up, 5 and under are free with a paying adult.
- Store Items – On Family Farm Day the Farm Store will be open with jams, jellies, and baked goods. During normal Fall hours a good selection of these will be available in the tent.
- Apples – We’ve got Gala, Fuji, Golden Delicious, Red Delicious and Honey Crisp apples for sale. They are $1.25 per lb.
- The pumpkin patch… it’s a bit farther of a hike this year… but there are pumpkins to be found!
- The platform and the maze with the sunset as a backdrop.
- Looking back over the maze at sunset…
I think that covers just about everything. If you have any questions at all don’t hesitate to reply to this post or reach out via Facebook. Speaking of Facebook, as the season progresses we’ll be posting to Facebook if there are any announcements, closures, special deals or anything along those lines. Be sure to check the Facebook page before you come.
Our goal has always been, and will continue to be, to provide a simple, safe and fun family experience for everyone who visits the farm. We’d love if you’d be a part of that this fall.
As always, thanks for your support.
Eldon for all of us at Yoders’ Farm