Just so you know, this post is fairly old… as you read it, know that any prices/dates/hours displayed here may no longer be correct. For the most accurate information head over to our home page for hours and then select different offerings from the home page for specific information around those things.

Across the Corn Maze to the sunset…
:: Update :: All field trips for this fall have been taken. If you’d like to be notified when we open for registrations next year shoot me an email at [email protected]
Good afternoon everyone (but especially teachers),
It is once again time for school to start, which means that it is also time to plan fall field trips!
A lot of you have been asking what we are offering in the way of field trips this fall. The following covers the 2015 fall field trip package.
The Requirements
- 20 kids or more
- 1.5 Hour time allotment (larger groups may take a bit longer)
- Must contact us to schedule a day and time (details below)
- $7 per child*
- *Teachers and parents may attend/participate for free. If they want a pumpkin they may purchase it separately…
What You Get
- 10-15 minute talk/tour (about farming/animals/etc)
- A kid sized pumpkin? (1 per paying child)
- Either the Corn Maze or a Hayride? (There is not time for both. From past experience younger children don’t do very well in the maze.)
- Access to the play area
— Trikes
— Bouncy Balls
— Duck races
— Corn pit
— Corn hole - Animals – goats, chickens, calves, rabbits
Structure of Your Visit
Over the last couple of years we’ve found that it generally works best to split larger groups into smaller groups and rotate between activities; smaller groups can stick together.
Generally the outline looks something like this.
- The entire group listens to the talk about farming/animals/etc. (10-15 minutes)
- Each “smaller group” rotates through the following things. (15-20 minutes each for a total of around an hour)
- Play in the play area
- Go for a Hayride
- Pick a pumpkin
- Any left over time can be spent in the play area or in the backyard/picnic/animal area.
Scheduling Your Visit
We do have limited openings again this fall. We plan to schedule field trips each Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday throughout October. Send us an email at [email protected] to check availability or if you have any questions.
When you get in touch please include the following things.
- The date that works best for you (Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays throughout October – I’ll need to check to see if we are already booked someone on that date…)
- The time you’d like to arrive. (We’ll need you to be punctual as we plan to schedule field trips back to back.)
- Contact Person (main person we’ll be communicating with)
- Contact Email Address (main form of communication)
- Contact Phone (only for emergencies)
- How will you pay? (helpful to know what we need to have on hand)
- Group Size (number of children, teachers, chaperones)
We look forward to hearing from you and working together to plan your field trip!