Just so you know, this post is fairly old… as you read it, know that any prices/dates/hours displayed here may no longer be correct. For the most accurate information head over to our home page for hours and then select different offerings from the home page for specific information around those things.
- These beauties were hanging out in the strawberry patch last evening…
- And these ones…
- And this one…
- And a few more…
- Pony rides anyone? We plan to have Patrick Henry here this Saturday!
- The Pony Rides…
- Face painting!
- Balloon Dude Travis will be here.
Good morning friends,
We are half way through our second week of the strawberry season. So far things have gone fairly well despite the large amounts of rain we’ve had. This is definitely thanks in a large part to a lot of you coming out to help us pick!
There are a few things coming up that you may be interested in being made aware of – the following will hopefully make you aware of those things.
Here is what I need to cover.
- There are a lot of ripe strawberries right now. They won’t last long.
- While we don’t technically have a “Farm Day” in the spring we have lined up a few activities for Saturday.
- This is the last email till towards the end of the season. Follow along on Facebook or Instagram for more frequent updates.
Strawberries Are Rolling
The strawberry picking right now is quite good. In fact we are either at or are very near our peak production for this year, so there are lots of strawberries to be picked.
Strawberry season is always pretty short. It tends to run strong for a couple of weeks before slowing down towards the end. Since we are into the second week now, we probably have another week and a half to two weeks yet of strong strawberry production.
All that to say, if you are hoping to pick strawberries this spring, I wouldn’t dilly dally around too long!
Saturday’s Events
In the past we’ve attempted to have a Spring Family Farm Day and a Fall Family Farm Day. However over the past two years we’ve decided to focus our “Family Farm Day” efforts on the Fall season. Somehow we still manage to have some small number of things come together on one Saturday in the Spring and end up with something of a “Not Family Farm Day Farm Day.” The same thing is happening again this year.
So, this coming Saturday (May 14, 2016), in addition to the regular strawberry season things (PYO Strawberries, Tomatoes, and the Yoders’ Farm Store) the following special things will also be available. (Note: the PYO patch will be open for regular hours 8 a.m. till 7 p.m., the special activities below will vary in the times they are available, I’ll note their times beside each one.)
- Pony Rides. Thanks to our friends at Patrick Henry Family Services! – Not Free – (10 a.m. till 2 p.m.) This is an opportunity to raise money for Patrick Henry Family Services. In the past the cost has been 5 laps for $5, I imagine it will be something like that again this time.
- Face Painting. Thanks to our friend Lindsey Martin! – Free – (10 a.m. till 1 p.m. – she will be taking a break or two during this time.)
- Balloon Art. Thanks to our friend Balloon Dude Travis! – Free – (10 a.m. till 12 p.m.)
We’d Love to See You!
I think that’s pretty much all I was supposed to cover, except that we’d love to see you and your family in the coming days. 🙂
If you have any questions, the best way to ask them is over on our Facebook page. Either send us a message or comment on a post and we’ll try to get you whatever information you are looking for.
Eldon for Yoders’ Farm