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In the Yoders’ Farm Store you can always find a lovely display of Yoders’ jams and jellies, local honey, sorghum molasses, relishes, salsa, etc. Often there are even some delicious baked goods that the Yoders’ baking team whips up!
We also carry the Rock Stable Meats line of beef and pork. These folks are extended family and have been kindly raising the stock that we will sell. The beef is a bit leaner than most because of being fed a forage-based diet though supplemented with grains. Available beef includes 90% lean hamburger, steaks, and roasts. Pork includes sausage, chops, and bacon. Prices are from $5.99 per lb.
As they are available (generally during our fall/winter months) we also carry Gala, Fuji, Pink Lady and Golden Delicious apples sourced from local orchards.
You can always find hours for the Farm Store here… and during the fall season you can find Farm Store items in the tent down by the corn maze…
Here are some pictures of what you can find at the Farm Store.