Just so you know, this post is fairly old… as you read it, know that any prices/dates/hours displayed here may no longer be correct. For the most accurate information head over to our home page for hours and then select different offerings from the home page for specific information around those things.

Good morning Friends,
A lot of you have been asking when exactly we’ll be opening the pick-your-own strawberry patch. We are finally at the point where we are ready to say that the patch will be open this Saturday (April 30th). This will be a soft opening as the amount of fruit available will vary depending on how the berries ripen between now and then.
The price this year will be the same as last year $1.59 per lb. You can bring your own buckets (we’ll weigh them in when you arrive) or purchase buskets at the stand for $1.
At this point it looks like the picking on Saturday will be somewhat scattered, so if you are looking to pick loads of berries for freezing, or jam you may want to hold off till next week. If you are looking to just pick some for fresh eating we should have plenty for that! (We’ll know better by Thursday or Friday how the patch will look on Saturday.)
Again, be sure to check Facebook, Instagram or the website before coming out. We’ll announce anything you need to know in all three places. (This includes the hours the patch will be open.)
Thanks everyone!