Just so you know, this post is fairly old… as you read it, know that any prices/dates/hours displayed here may no longer be correct. For the most accurate information head over to our home page for hours and then select different offerings from the home page for specific information around those things.
- There are definitely more berries ripe than there was… but still a lot of green ones too.
- The goats have arrived and are settling in…
Good evening friends,
On Tuesday we posted that we’ll be opening the strawberry patch for pick your own on Saturday… I also mentioned that the picking would likely be scattered and that we would know better how things were shaping up by Thursday or Friday evening. Well its Thursday evening, so its time to give you an update on the picking forecast for this Saturday and into next week.
Saturday Strawberry Forecast
While there has been a steadily rising number of ripe strawberries over the past number of days, the cool and cloudy weather has really slowed things down in the “strawberry ripening department.” At this point in the early part of the season, a few warm sunny days would make a huge difference.
So the forecast for picking on Saturday is still as it was on Tuesday, the picking will be scattered. We’ll open the patch at 10 a.m. on Saturday. Depending how many people show up there is also the possibility that we’ll get picked out and have to shut the patch down. Check Facebook or Instagram before you come… we’ll update you there if we need to close early.
If you are looking to pick lots of berries, you’ll definitely be better off waiting till some time next week. As the season progresses there will be a lot more ripe berries, there are plenty of green ones that just need a little time and they’ll turn to juicy, red strawberries!
It’s looking like there is a lot of potential for a good strawberry yield this year, but things are definitely going to start off a bit slowly and will ramp up over the next week or so.
Thanks everyone!