Just so you know, this post is fairly old… as you read it, know that any prices/dates/hours displayed here may no longer be correct. For the most accurate information head over to our home page for hours and then select different offerings from the home page for specific information around those things.

A Rainbow at the End of the Season
A good Saturday afternoon to one and all!
Strawberry Stuff
It’s unusual to be able to sit here writing at 10 minutes after 8. All is quiet. The open sign says “Open”. No cars in the drive yet. What is different than the previous 5 Saturdays? Strawberry season is all but over.
Well, to be perfectly honest there are still a few berries in the patch and a few strawberry lovers will search for them until we close at 2 pm today, but it’s time to move on and think about fall.
Fall Stuff
Fall?! Yup. It’s pumpkin planting time. We tuck pumpkin seeds in half of the strawberry patch and they turn into orange, white, multicolored, all sized pumpkins by fall. I could tell you some of the varieties Lowell has chosen for this years patch but I think I’ll let you wait and see. 🙂
Planting the corn/sorghum maze is also on the schedule for next week! We are thankful for the rain that has mellowed the soil ahead of that activity.
What’s Immediately Coming Up?
What’s the very next thing here at Yoders’ Farm? Well, the tomatoes continue. We have just begun picking some nice heirloom tomatoes; Cherokee Purples mostly, with some Striped German’s and Big Beef.
Sweet corn is just around the corner, with the first starting in only a week or so. These are the plants we started in the greenhouse and moved out after the last frost. We should have 4 to 5 weeks worth of picking if all goes according to plan.
We’ll also soon be taking blueberry orders for the New Jersey berries we have enjoyed the last few years. Stay tuned for an opportunity to order those.
Thank You
I’ll close with a big thank you to all you dedicated berry pickers who helped make this a good season and by your support contributed to making Yoders’ Farm a sustainable 4th generation farm! We are indeed blessed in many ways!
hasta luego! (until soon)
Delvin for the crew at Yoders’ Farm
P.S. Our flexible hours are sometimes a source of confusion: However you can always find the current hours on the home page.