Just so you know, this post is fairly old… as you read it, know that any prices/dates/hours displayed here may no longer be correct. For the most accurate information head over to our home page for hours and then select different offerings from the home page for specific information around those things.
- Yoders’ Farm Store
- Butternut Squash
- Spaghetti Squash
- Blue and Regular Hubbard Squash
- Vine Ripened Hydroponic Tomatoes
- Apples
- Jams and Jellies and Baked Goods
- More Jams and Jellies
- More Jams and Jellies
Looking back at the Fall Corn Maze Season
A very good afternoon to all our Yoders’ Farm friends!
We wanted to let you know how delighted we are for all of you who found your way out to our little corner of God’s creation this fall! It is rewarding, after months of planting, tending and preparation, to see happy families pulling wagon loads of pumpkins, exploring the maze, nibbling on apple streusel bars, and generally enjoying farm green space. However, I must admit, my inner private self eventually starts to long for November and the “normal” tranquility of farm life. 🙂
And here we are! The unchosen pumpkins destined for porcine hors d’oeuvres, the maze converted into close to 100 tons of ensilage for our cows leaving behind only the pattern of the paths that many feet wandered through in the last month and a half. Peace and tranquility reigns again down on the farm.
Entering the Winter Tomato Season
But wait! In the Yoders’ Farm cycle of seasons something is always about to happen!
Sure enough, our winter tomato crop is up and running, with lovely 1/2 pound succulent fruits being picked several times weekly. The flavor is delicious and the timing good with garden tomatoes recently frosted. Couple that with a lovely display of Yoders’ jams and jellies, local honey and sorghum molasses and you see why the Yoders’ farm store is still a popular spot. And I hadn’t even mentioned the Gala, Fuji, Pink Lady and Golden Delicious apples we recently brought back from Seamans Orchard or the delicious baked goods the Yoders’ baking team whips up! And while we are on that subject, we would be happy to take orders for Holiday baking. Some of our specialties are sweet breads (apple nut, banana nut, and pumpkin bread) Our pies would include pecan, coconut and pumpkin. We also make sourdough dinner rolls and bread. (If you want to place an order for something give us a call (434)-332-6657.)
We do still have a good selection of edible pumpkins, orange and blue Hubbard squash, butternut and spaghetti squash for those Thanksgiving made-from-scratch pies. And , oh yes, our hens wanted me to mention that they are laying well if you are craving farm fresh brown eggs!
Winter Hours
Hours throughout the winter season will be as follow.
- Sunday and Monday – Closed
- Tuesday through Friday 10 a.m. till 5:30 p.m.
- Saturday 10 a.m. till 2 p.m.
Thanks again for your support! I think that’s all for now.
Delvin & the crew @ yoders