024 – Frost Protection and a Chilly April
A quick chat about recent frost events and how a pretty chilly April after a fairly warm winter has affected the pick your own strawberry season here at Yoders’ Farm.…...

023 – Planning for a PYO Strawberry Season During the Covid-19 Pandemic
In this episode we talk about some things we are considering doing different this year due to the coronavirus. This will likely be a pretty different Pick Your Own strawberry season from what we’...

022 – Farming Continues as We Adjust to the New Normal
Lowell and Eldon talk about springs continual arrival, the continued “early” timeline for the pick your own strawberry patch, and several other updates from around the farm. There is also...

021 – A Spring Update & Are Farmers Really Dumb?
In this episode Lowell and I talk a bit about what we’ve been up to here on the farm the last few weeks and then towards the end of the episode Lowell rants for a bit about some comments from &h...

020 – Its Been a Pretty Mild Winter So Far
In this episode Lowell and I talk briefly about the past number of weeks and what we’ve been up to on the farm. We also talk a bit more about the advanced place having such a mild winter can put...

019 – What Exactly is the Snack Shack?
The Snack Shack sometimes feels like its just a “tag on” to everything we do here at the farm, but it take quite a bit of work and we are quite happy with what we are able to offer through...

018 – The Clock is Always Ticking in Produce
As soon as we pass the winter equinox it starts to feel like we’re ticking right away towards strawberry season. Add a milder winter (so far) to the mix and it feels like we’re moving even...

017 – A Deeper Dive Into Hydroponic Tomato Production
Lowell & Delvin dive deeper into the topic of what it takes to produce a high quality green house (hydroponic) tomato.…...

016 – Heating & Growing Tomatoes in the Winter
Lowell & Delvin talk about some of the challenges of growing tomatoes through the winter in a greenhouse. One of the biggest issues is keeping the tomato plants warm enough to grow and bloom.&hell...

015 – Easing Into the Winter Season
Lowell & Eldon talk about whats been going on since we wrapped up the fall season here at the farm. The weather has changed, and we are definitely heading into the winter season. That of course...