Just so you know, this post is fairly old… as you read it, know that any prices/dates/hours displayed here may no longer be correct. For the most accurate information head over to our home page for hours and then select different offerings from the home page for specific information around those things.

Good evening everyone,
It’s time again for an update from the farm!
We’re nearing the end of our late spring / early summer season, but we’ve still got a couple of weeks yet before we close the farm down for the summer. Right now we’re pretty sure we’ll be open at least until the end of the third week of July, but there are a few variables that could affect that.
Anyway… here are a couple of things we need to update you on.
New Jersey Blueberries – If you ordered New Jersey blueberries from us this year you should have either already picked up your blueberries last week, or received an email in the past 24 hours with details about picking up your order. Thanks to everyone who ordered! This year was a bit more challenging than some years in the past, but we’re happy that things worked out.
Hydroponic Tomatoes – As we near the end of our tomato season the tomatoes are a little smaller and not quite as nice. We’ve dropped the price to $2 per lb. If you’re interested in canner tomatoes (a larger quantity for a bit of a discount) send us a message here on FB or IG with your phone number and we’ll add you to the canner waitlist.
Sweet Corn – A lot of you have been wondering about sweet corn. The unfortunate truth is that our sweet corn crop this year did very poorly. A lot of that was due to a late cold snap (right at the end of April). What this all boils down to is that we’ll have very small quantities of sweet corn available on a first come first serve basis off and on over the next week or so.
Cucumbers – We’ve got a decent supply of English cucumbers available right now.
Jams, Jellies, Honey – If you’d like to stock up on any of our canned items, now would be a great time to do that. Once we close for the summer we won’t open again until the middle of September when we open for our fall season. We’ve got some fresh honey from the farm that’ll be bottled and on the shelves before too long.
Thinking About Fall!
Some things we are working on as we begin to start thinking about our fall season which is only a few short months away.
Corn Maze – We planted the Corn Maze a week and a half ago or so and it’s already up and growing like crazy! Now we need to get a design figured out before it gets too tall. 🙂
Pumpkins – Lowell has been planting pumpkins quite a bit over the last few weeks. A lot of them are up and growing well too, they (and our other field crops) really enjoyed the rain we got today!